วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

jj market

Today on Sunday salim and I went to shopping at jj market. They have a lot of cheap stuff especially a second hand stuff If you don’t mind them there are the nice place. My friend got two t-shirt. I bought a pair of shorts , bag and jean. All I need now is only a pink shirt I tried to find some kind of a wrapper but I can’t find it as well . A girl’s night out it fun it’s too bad salim has to Study tomorrow morning so we must to stop shopping cause it quite late at night then we move to a different ways to go back home-------------------------------------------------Today I went to play badminton after I finish the class with my friend and some senior in my faculty. We went to badminton course at Ram Soi 8. there are a big course but it was very hot in there. After exercising we had something to eat nearly the course and then we went back to the university to go separately. I go back home because I was very tried but my friend still talking and sitting at the university.
